Manzoor Pashteen slams Pak Army for failing Pashtuns & spreading instability

pashteen against pak army
PTM Chief Manzoor Pashteen (Photo: News Intervention)

Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) leader, Manzoor Pashteen, has once again condemned the Punjabi Pakistan Army for its failure to protect Pashtun communities, accusing it of perpetuating violence and destabilizing the region. Speaking out about the dire situation in several tribal areas, Pashteen emphasized the lack of accountability and effective governance, particularly by the occupying government in Pakhtunkhwa.

Reflecting on the historic October 11 Jirga, Pashteen expressed optimism about its potential impact on the Pashtun struggle. However, he warned that the Jirga’s decisions could only bring real change if Pashtun political parties united to implement them. “We appeal to all Pashtun parties to follow the decisions of the Jirga and work together to solve the issues facing our people,” Pashteen said.

While he acknowledged the difficulties ahead, Pashteen reassured his followers that PTM was not silenced, nor was it backing down from its mission. “We are preparing ourselves for the next phase of struggle,” he said, highlighting the pressing need for resistance in the face of increasing oppression.

Addressing the critical situation in Pashtun-majority areas, particularly Bajaur, Swat, Waziristan, Bannu, and Kurram, Pashteen made it clear that the Paki establishment’s neglect and inability to address the growing violence were unacceptable. “The provincial government of Pakhtunkhwa is a government in name only,” he said. “Armed groups roam freely, and when violence erupts, it is the ordinary people who are pressured, not those responsible for the bloodshed.”

Pashteen Warns

Particularly harrowing was Pashteen’s description of the conditions in Kurram, where he highlighted the dire humanitarian crisis. “People in Kurram have no food to eat, but the establishment is indifferent. While civilians suffer, both fighting sides continue to receive ample supplies of weapons and ammunition to fuel their conflict,” he said.

Pashteen also turned his focus to the Pakistan Army’s brutal tactics, criticizing its actions in Waziristan and beyond. “The Army does not even leave the people of Waziristan alone across the Durand Line. While militants operate near Army bases, the Army bombs children in Khost,” he said, pointing to the Army’s destabilizing role in Afghanistan. “Pakistan continues to foster extremist groups to destabilize Afghanistan while neglecting the needs of its own people.”

In addition to these grave concerns, Pashteen condemned the use of drones by the Pak Army, which he claimed are being used for training purposes on civilians in Waziristan. “Drone attacks and target killings are now a regular feature of life in Waziristan. Areas like Mir Ali have become training grounds for Pakistan’s drone operations,” Pashteen said, underscoring the civilian toll these attacks have taken.

He also warned that the Army’s recent attempts to seize control of newly discovered mineral-rich areas in Malakand and other regions were causing further strife. “The Army has created problems to occupy the mines, and if they attempt to conduct operations in our areas, we will not allow ourselves to be displaced again,” he asserted, adding that PTM was planning a response in case of further forced displacements. “If they force us to leave again, we will march to Islamabad with millions of people to demand justice.”

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