POB: Pak Army abducts five more Baloch students as repression escalates

Pak Army’s Abduction of Baloch Students Continues Brutal Suppression in Occupied Balochistan
Abducted Baloch Students (Photo - News Intervention)

In yet another act of oppression, Pak forces abducted two Baloch students, Musa Khaliq Dad and Sameer Majeed, from Dasht Doro near a military checkpoint on September 22. The students were on their way from Gwadar to Kapkapar when they were forcefully detained by the Pak Army. Since their disappearance, neither has been seen or heard from, deepening fears of yet another episode in the ongoing series of enforced disappearances in Pak-occupied Balochistan (POB).

Hamid Khan Mohammad, a seventh-semester sociology student at the University of Sargodha, has also fallen victim to enforced disappearance. He was taken by law enforcement agencies (LEAs) from Bahadur Shah Zafar Road, right in front of Ibrahim Hospital in Sargodha District, Punjab.

This incident is part of a growing pattern where the Pak Army, along with the establishment, has resorted to brutal tactics to suppress the Baloch community. In addition to the students from Gwadar, two more from Kalat and one from Sargodha have also been reportedly abducted by security forces. Moreover, the lives of Baloch citizens—students, professors, and activists—remain perilous as hundreds have been placed on the Fourth Schedule list, effectively marking them as suspects in the eyes of the occupied-state, simply for existing.

Families of those disappeared are left in an agonizing state, waiting for answers that never come. The cases of Akhtar Shah and Sahaj Mengal are just the latest in this gruesome trend, where victims are dragged into illegal torture cells, never to be seen again. Despite continuous appeals from human rights organizations like Baloch Voice for Justice, the occupied- authorities remain indifferent, perpetuating these grave human rights violations.

This situation in Balochistan is no longer an isolated issue—it has become a systemic feature of Pakistan’s oppressive regime. Since the forceful occupation of Balochistan in 1948, the military has adopted a “kill and dump” policy, where abducted individuals are murdered and their bodies discarded to instill fear and silence any form of resistance.

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