Sajjad Raja issues ultimatum to Pak Army over enforced disappearances

pak army abductions
Public protest in PoJK (Photo - X)

Professor Sajjad Raja, former Chairman of NEP JKGBL, has issued a stern ultimatum to Pakistan authorities, particularly the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), demanding the immediate recovery and release of all forcibly abducted citizens from Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). Raja announced a seven-day notice for the agencies to act, warning that failure to address the issue would lead to an International Conference at the Geneva Press Club on September 17, 2024, to launch a global campaign against Pakistan’s occupation and its brutal atrocities.

The situation in PoJK has reached a critical point as over 20 civilians of POJK have become subject to Pak Army’s brutal enforced disappearances policy. This surge in abductions has spurred widespread public protests across the region, with residents expressing their frustration and outrage over the increasing violence and repression.

The most recent case involving the abduction of Raja Mudassir, a PoJK resident, has ignited a wave of demonstrations. Mudassir, who was taken by security forces during Ramadan, remains missing, and his family’s desperate pleas for his safe return have intensified public dissent. Protesters have taken to the streets in large numbers, demanding the immediate and unconditional release of Mudassir and others who have fallen victim to enforced disappearances.

The protests have seen local residents and leaders vocally criticizing the Pakistan Army and the PoJK administration for their role in these human rights abuses. Placards and slogans denouncing the Pakistan defense forces and local authorities were prominently displayed during the demonstrations.

The proposed international conference in Geneva represents a crucial step towards holding Pakistan accountable for its actions and seeking justice for the victims of enforced disappearances.

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