Mob lynching outside Ahmadiyya mosque in Lahore, Pak police stands idle

mob lynching
Radical Mob Outside Ahmadiyya Mosque in Lahore (Photo - News Intervention)

A radical extremist mob gathered outside the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Islamiya Park, Lahore, as a mob lynching unfolds. Despite police presence, authorities have turned a blind eye to the attack.

The ongoing violence against the Ahmadiyya community, which is classified as non-Muslim by Pakistan’s constitution, underscores the systemic persecution and hate crimes faced by religious minorities in the country. These incidents highlight the precarious and dangerous environment that minority groups endure.

In a recent act of aggression, Pak Army backed-Punjab police conducted a raid on an Ahmadi place of worship. Authorities not only destroyed the minarets but also defaced the Kalima, a sacred Islamic inscription.

This brazen vandalism reflects a broader campaign to marginalize and terrorize the Ahmadi community. This institutionalized persecution by the Paki establishment effectively disenfranchises them.

The failure of Pakistan to intervene and protect its citizens is a grave indictment of its governance. The authorities’ complicity in the ongoing violence reveals a troubling disregard for the safety and rights of religious minorities. In this Islamic Republic, even Muslims are not safe.

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