Pak Army abducts young Baloch worker from Kech

Enforced Disappearance in Balochistan: Another Youth Vanishes
Abducted Baloch Worker in Mand (Photo - X)

In yet another incident, a young man was forcibly abducted by Pakistan Army in the Mand area of Pak-occupied-Balochistan’s Kech district.

Reportedly, the young man, identified as Adil, son of Ghulam and a resident of Mand, Balochabad, was detained in the border area of Radeeq and transferred to an undisclosed location. The incident occurred while Adil was on his way to the border region for daily wage work.

According to family members, Adil was taken into custody by Pak forces without any explanation or warrant, and his whereabouts remain unknown. His family has expressed deep anguish, stating that they have received no information about him since his detention.

This abduction is part of a long-standing and brutal policy of enforced disappearances carried out by the Paki establishment in POB. Thousands of Baloch men, women, and even children have been abducted in recent years, by Pak Army and their proxies. Victims are often taken from their homes, workplaces, or public spaces, only to vanish without a trace.

Pakistan Army with inflicts its draconian “kill and dump” policies in POB, where abductees are often found dead, bearing signs of torture. Despite international condemnation, the Pakistan continues to silence Baloch community. As the world remains silent, POB continues to bleed under the shadow of Army terror.

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