POB citizens block Red Zone as protest against enforced disappearances by Pak Army

POB Erupts in Protests Against Enforced Disappearances
Relatives of the missing citizens demand justice (Photo - X)

In Kharan, Pak-occupied-Balochistan, citizens have blocked the Red Zone in protest against the police’s refusal to register cases regarding the enforced disappearances of Amanullah, Muhammad Dawood, Irshad Ahmed, and Aminullah. Relatives of the missing individuals have completely shut down the road, voicing their outrage over the abduction of innocent citizens. Among the protesters are women holding posters of their loved ones, demanding accountability.

The families said that Amanullah Muhammad Hasni was a respectable citizen trying to earn a livelihood, while the relatives of the other three missing men were taken without reason from Killi Jungle Rahmatullah by the Pak Army. They demand that if any of the four have committed a crime, they should be brought before the courts.

Furthermore in Quetta, relatives are staging a protest against the police’s refusal to file a case concerning the abduction of Sohail Ahmed Bazai, a resident of the Chashma Achuzai area in Quetta. Relatives have completely blocked traffic on the Quetta-Chaman and Zhob highways at the Bileli location. Due to the highway closure, dozens of vehicles are stranded, and the road is entirely blocked.

Families Protest 

Sohail Khan Kakr, son of prominent transporter Haji Habib Rahman from Bileli Mehtarzi, was abducted at 9 PM by armed masked individuals near the School in Chashma Achuzai, along with his vehicle. The incident of abduction occurred over a financial dispute, and protests have been ongoing since 9 AM on the National Highway at Bileli against the incident. The family maintains that the police have refused to register an FIR, and negotiations are currently underway between the police and the protesters.

This situation in POB has become a systemic feature of Pakistan’s oppressive regime. Since the forceful occupation of POB in 1948, the military has adopted a “kill and dump” policy, where abducted individuals are murdered and their bodies discarded to instill fear and silence any form of resistance.

Family members and local activists have long suffered at the hands of the military for the abduction of individuals without accountability, often leaving families in anguish as they seek answers about their loved ones’ fates.

This incident is the latest example of the Pakistan Army’s brutal suppression tactics against the Baloch community. Enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and the notorious “kill and dump” policy have become hallmarks of the military’s strategy to stifle dissent and silence calls for Baloch autonomy since it forcefully occupied the region in 1948.

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