Second Review of the World Intelligence Network 5 to 7 Sigma Societies


The World Intelligence Network contains a reasonably long list of “active” high-IQ societies with a wide range of sigmas, titles, hyperlinks, founders, dates of founding, statistical rarities, listed per high-IQ society. The last of the first set of six articles, expanded from 4, examines the second pass of the 5 to 7 sigma high-IQ societies.

Duly note, as a background to the entire environs here, intelligence seems most reasonably measured and extrapolated by comprehensive mainstream IQ tests with an extension into a phenomenon entitled g or the general factor in intelligence, which seems strongly correlated with tests including the WAIS or the Stanford-Binet, or the RAPM, which produce reasonable scores on adults because the test scores seem more solid, less fluid as in children, with correlations with g as high as 0.80, on a correlation range of -1.00 to +1.00, on the verbal sections of tests. One of the best predictors of g.

Which is to state explicitly, the general factor intelligence becomes controversial outside of the field of psychology for socio-political reasons and inside of psychology more for empirical-theoretical or, perhaps, hypothetico-deductive, reasons, as well as interpretive ones, where the latter becomes more substantive, intriguing, and an ongoing piece of research and remains controversial inside and outside of the hallowed halls of academe for the aforementioned reasons, respectively.

In short, among those most qualified to provide a response, who understand the nuances, comprehend the larger image, and convey this to the public, the existence of general intelligence seems uncontroversial in the science of the factorizations to come to the general factor of intelligence, g. The debated question: What does this mean now? Hence, we come to the external socio-political controversies and the internal empirico-predictive controversies.

“…a hypothetical source of individual differences in general ability, which represents individuals’ abilities to perceive relationships and to derive conclusions from them. The general factor is said to be a basic ability that underlies the performance of different varieties of intellectual tasks, in contrast to specific factors,” the American Psychological Association states, “which are alleged each to be unique to a single task. Even theorists who posit multiple mental abilities have often suggested that a general factor may underlie these (correlated) mental abilities… [postulated in 1904 by Charles Spearman].”

The Association for Psychological Science, in “Cognitive Abilities Seem to Reinforce Each Other in Adolescence,” states:

One of the most striking findings in psychology is that almost all cognitive abilities are positively related – on average, people who are better at a skill like reasoning are generally also better at a skill like vocabulary. This fact allows scientists and educational practitioners to summarize people’s skills on a wide range of domains as one factor – often called ‘g’, for ‘general intelligence’. Despite this, the mechanisms underlying ‘g’ and its development remain somewhat mysterious.

“What this so-called ‘g-factor’ means is still very much up for debate,” explains researcher Rogier Kievit of the Cognition and Brain Science Unit at the University of Cambridge. “Is it a causal factor, an artefact of the way we create cognitive tests, the result of our educational environment, a consequence of genetics, an emergent phenomenon of a dynamic system or perhaps all of these things to varying degrees?”

In a new study, scientists from Cambridge, London, and Berlin led by Kievit directly compared different proposed explanations for the phenomenon of ‘g’ and how it develops over time. Data was used from a Wellcome-funded longitudinal cohort (NSPN), where 785 late adolescents, ages 14 to 24, were tested on two occasions approximately 1.5 years apart. They focused two subtests reflecting key domains of ‘g’, namely fluid reasoning (solving abstract puzzles) and vocabulary (knowing the definitions of words). Their findings are published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.”

PsychologyWiki in “General intelligence factor” states:

Charles Spearman, an early psychometrician, found that schoolchildren’s grades across seemingly unrelated subjects were positively correlated, and proposed that these correlations reflected the influence of a dominant factor, which he termed g for “general” intelligence. He developed a model where all variation in intelligence test scores can be explained by two factors. The first is the factor specific to an individual mental task: the individual abilities that would make a person more skilled at one cognitive task than another. The second is g, a general factor that governs performance on all cognitive tasks.

The accumulation of cognitive testing data and improvements in analytical techniques have preserved g’s central role and led to the modern conception of g. A hierarchy of factors with g at its apex and group factors at successively lower levels, is espoused to be the most widely accepted model of cognitive ability. Other models have also been proposed, and significant controversy attends g and its alternatives.

Encyclopedia Britannica in “Human Intelligence” (by Robert J. Sternberg) states:

One of the earliest of the psychometric theories came from the British psychologist Charles E. Spearman (1863–1945), who published his first major article on intelligence in 1904. He noticed what may seem obvious now—that people who did well on one mental-ability test tended to do well on others, while people who performed poorly on one of them also tended to perform poorly on others. To identify the underlying sources of these performance differences, Spearman devised factor analysis, a statistical technique that examines patterns of individual differences in test scores. He concluded that just two kinds of factors underlie all individual differences in test scores. The first and more important factor, which he labeled the “general factor,” or g, pervades performance on all tasks requiring intelligence. In other words, regardless of the task, if it requires intelligence, it requires g. The second factor is specifically related to each particular test. For example, when someone takes a test of arithmetical reasoning, his performance on the test requires a general factor that is common to all tests (g) and a specific factor that is related to whatever mental operations are required for mathematical reasoning as distinct from other kinds of thinking. But what, exactly, is g? After all, giving something a name is not the same as understanding what it is. Spearman did not know exactly what the general factor was, but he proposed in 1927 that it might be something like “mental energy.”

The American psychologist L.L. Thurstone disagreed with Spearman’s theory, arguing instead that there were seven factors, which he identified as the “primary mental abilities.” These seven abilities, according to Thurstone, were verbal comprehension (as involved in the knowledge of vocabulary and in reading), verbal fluency (as involved in writing and in producing words), number (as involved in solving fairly simple numerical computation and arithmetical reasoning problems), spatial visualization (as involved in visualizing and manipulating objects, such as fitting a set of suitcases into an automobile trunk), inductive reasoning (as involved in completing a number series or in predicting the future on the basis of past experience), memory (as involved in recalling people’s names or faces, and perceptual speed (as involved in rapid proofreading to discover typographical errors in a text).

Although the debate between Spearman and Thurstone has remained unresolved, other psychologists—such as Canadian Philip E. Vernon and American Raymond B. Cattell—have suggested that both were right in some respects. Vernon and Cattell viewed intellectual abilities as hierarchical, with g, or general ability, located at the top of the hierarchy. But below g are levels of gradually narrowing abilities, ending with the specific abilities identified by Spearman. Cattell, for example, suggested in Abilities: Their Structure, Growth, and Action (1971) that general ability can be subdivided into two further kinds, “fluid” and “crystallized.” Fluid abilities are the reasoning and problem-solving abilities measured by tests such as analogies, classifications, and series completions. Crystallized abilities, which are thought to derive from fluid abilities, include vocabulary, general information, and knowledge about specific fields. The American psychologist John L. Horn suggested that crystallized abilities more or less increase over a person’s life span, whereas fluid abilities increase in earlier years and decrease in later ones.

As the British Psychological Association’s Alex Fradera, in “New cross-cultural analysis suggests that g or “general intelligence” is a human universal,” stated:

Thanks to work pioneered by Charles Spearman, we know that in Western populations performance on a range of mental tasks seems to reflect a more basic mental ability, a “general intelligence” or simply g.

You can’t see g – it’s a statistical reality more than anything else, but it’s very robust, and modern research suggests that the g factor accounts for roughly half the variability in performance within and between people on all kinds of mental tests. Being strong verbally doesn’t guarantee you will be mathematical too, but it tips the odds strongly in your favour…

…The analysis covered nearly 100 datasets from 31 cultures including Thailand, Uganda, Papau New Guinea, Guyana – from every inhabited continent and world region save Europe and Australia. The median sample size was 150, but due to some very large samples Warne and Burningham were working with 50,000 participants in all. They wanted to explore which cultures and which sets of tasks featured performance variation that could be reduced down to one factor akin to g, and which would firmly resist…

…Using Warne and Burningham’s rules, between three quarters and four-fifths of the datasets immediately yielded just one factor that explained variability in participants’ performance across different tests. In other cases, two underlying factors emerged, but these were similar enough to also end up reducing to one factor in a second round of analysis, saving one single exception.

Therefore, even with the marginal concern of some, or general interest (including myself), in these qualitative analyses, the societies exist for serious and for trivial reasons, while the fundamental basis behind them becomes substantive in psychology and in the empirics gathered for a significant amount of time by mostly honest, serious, and sincere researchers. If an individual dismisses the existence of g, probably, the conversations seems not worth it, except for education of the more ignorant interlocutor or comprehension of where some misunderstandings exist, as the grounds for empirical and serious discourse lose substance without an admission of the facts (see above statements, of which there remain countless others).

On intelligence alone, as a concept rather than a psychological construct, the American Psychological Association states:

Intelligence refers to intellectual functioning. Intelligence quotients, or IQ tests, compare your performance with other people your age who take the same test. These tests don’t measure all kinds of intelligence, however. For example, such tests can’t identify differences in social intelligence, the expertise people bring to their interactions with others. There are also generational differences in the population as a whole. Better nutrition, more education and other factors have resulted in IQ improvements for each generation.

It’s controversial because everyone reveres or envies intelligence in others, and assume the higher levels of it in themselves. To the main dish today, and to repeat, as before, the Founder and President of the World Intelligence Network is the ubiquitous psychiatrist Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis and the Dubai giftedness advocate Manahel Thabet (who taught me the correct image, function, and title of an “astrolabe” years ago – thank you). Its flagship publication is Phenomenon with co-editors Graham Powell and Krystal Volney.

The first pass process uses the links given on the World Intelligence Network website. The second pass or review uses search engines. A third review would incorporate more substantive measures of investigation. This is the second review of sigmas 5 to 7:

At 5 sigma, the “Mega Foundation Society” should be the Mega Foundation[1] of Gina LoSasso (Dr. Gina Langan) and Christopher Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan. It contains the Ultranet. It used to host Ubiquity, a journal, and the Telemach Network for gifted youth. Its first pass links to a dead Facebook link. On a second pass, it has off-loaded to Patreon for the virtuous aim of the support of the severely gifted and their ideas. It is alive and functional on second pass. The OlympIQ Society of Evangelos Katsioulis connects to an internal World Intelligence Network website. It is alive and functional on first pass and second pass.  The presidents have been Evangelos Katsioulis and Thomas B.; the vice presidents have been YoungHoon Bryan Kim/YoungHoon Kim/Bryan Kim, George Petasis, Jonas Högberg, and Jonathan Wai; the internet officers have been Evangelos Katsioulis and Jonas Högberg; the membership officers have been Evangelos Katsioulis, Jonathan Wai, and Jan Willem Versluis.[2] The Pars Society of Baran Yönter looks dead on the first pass. On the second pass, the society is defunct. However, its old website stated:

The Society

The Pars Society was founded in 2002  by Baran Yönter as a High Intelligence Society. Main goal of the Society is to provide a private, intellectual and peaceful cyberspace among its members. Pars Society offers an absolute liberty of speech, and encourages exchange of  ideas and projects. According to our International Membership Structure, our exceptionally gifted Members represent more than 17 countries in Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia. Members of The Pars Society have a broad spectrum of educational and professional backgrounds. Common properties of The Society can be summarized as giftedness, kindness and  the enthusiasm of cooperation and dialouge among every other Society in HIQ Land. Pars proudly lodges Founders and Directors of more than 20 High IQ Societies and warmly welcomes everyone who wish to cooperate.

The word “Pars” is the name of The Anatolian Leopard panthera pardus tulliana, which is known for its Power and Rarity. Pars symbolises BrainPower and Rarity of our Members…


Founders and Presidents of recognised High IQ Societies are welcomed as Honorary Members. Individuals with a proof of their intelligence level at or above +5 standard deviations can apply for Membership. For Application Form and further information about admission procedure, please send a message to: and introduce yourself.

Acceptable Tests for Admission

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV), Fourth Edition, 2008

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III), Third Edition, 1997

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales (SB5), Fifth Edition, 2003

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales (SB4), Fourth Edition, 1986

916 by Laurent Dubiois, Ph.D., 2001

G-Test by Nik Lygeros, Ph.D., 1999

The Sigma Test by Hindemburg Melao Jr

It had a recognizable membership[3]. PolymathIQ Society of Ron Altmann seems defunct on the first pass. On the second pass, we have a functional website with individual names listed. It is not defunct on the second review. Its website notes the Founder is Ronald Altmann, the full members (180 IQ) as Adam Kisby, Martin Tobias Lithner, and David Smith, prospective members (164 IQ) as Hever H. A. Gutierrez and Jose González Molinero, and subscribers (152 IQ) as Fernando Barbosa Neto and Juan González Liébana. Its website states:

Polymathiq Society

The Polymathiq Society was founded by Ronald Altmann in 2009. Polymathiq stands as one of the most exclusive high-IQ societies in existence. Its purpose is to identify and gather living polymaths with profound intellectual ability. Membership requires: (1.) an IQ at or above 180 IQ (SD=16), corresponding to a theoretical rarity of 1 in 3,500,000; plus, (2.) polymathic learning, as defined by expertise across a wide range of disciplines. As of February 25, 2011, only three individuals have met both of these rigorous requirements. Membership in the Polymathiq Society is free for all who qualify.

Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman philosopher, statesman, lawyer, political theorist, and Roman constitutionalist – a true polymath. He came from a wealthy municipal family of the equestrian order, and is widely considered one of Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylists…


1. Score report documenting qualifying IQ.*

Cattell Culture Fair III (A+B) by Raymond Cattell: Score 98/100
Stanford Binet V/VI by Alfred Binet: 180 IQ (SD=16)
WAIS-R/WAIS-III/WAIS-IV by David Wechsler: 175 IQ (SD=15)
Bonnardel BLS4-2T by R. Bonnardel: Score 30/30 (ceiling)
Test For Genius by Paul Cooijmans: 175 IQ (SD=15)
916 by Laurent Dubois: 180 IQ (SD=16)

*This list does not necessarily reflect all of the currently accepted tests.

2. Portfolio evidencing polymathic learning.

a. Five examples of original theories, representing distinct disciplines
b. Two examples of original artistic, poetic, and/or musical compositions

3. Biographical information.

Full Name:
Date of Birth:
High-IQ Society Memberships:
Biography (>300 words in *.pdf):

To apply for membership, send all of the above data to:

The Sigma V Society of Hindemburg Melão/Hindemburg Melao seems online. Unsure as to the level of activity, its members include Hindemburg Melão Jr., Petri Widsten, Alexandre Prata Maluf, Rauno Lindström, Peter David Bentley, Bart Lindekens, Joachim Lahav, Marc Heremans, Staffan Svensson, Will Fletcher, Guilherme Marques dos Santos Silva, and Lloyd King. The Unicorn Society of Hindemburg Melão appears online. It looks inactive on second pass.  

At 5.33 sigma, the Ultima Society of Ivan Ivec seems defunct on the first pass. On second pass, it seems active with a rich number of links to texts, norm statistics, and more. The main website for Ivec states:

High Range IQ Tests – Difficult IQ Tests

Dear visitors!

This website is mainly devoted to measuring very high intelligence by means of untimed high range IQ tests. Besides my tests, you will find tests by other authors who influenced my work in this way or another: Mislav Predavec, Paul Cooijmans, Jason Betts, Theodosis Prousalis, and some others. Of course, I do not guarantee the quality of all those tests. The quality analysis of my tests can be found at I’ll also try to promote good and free IQ tests, to offer some of them, and to offer IVIQ puzzle competition.
        The average IQ is 100 and high range IQ tests mainly measure IQ from 120 up to 190. Only one out of 30,000 people possesses IQ 160 or above, and so scores on that level are very rare. Most of the tests are either spatial, numerical or verbal. Possible answers are mainly not given, and you must find the most logical missing elements.
        The website also offers five IQ societies. Grand IQ Society gathers individuals with IQ in the range from 130 to 169, and you need at least one score on 170+ level to join more elite Ultima IQ Society. If you have good scores on different kind of tests, you’ll probably want to join Intruellect IQ Society or Universal Genius Society, while Real IQ Society will give you a deep confirmation of your performances.
        World Famous IQ Scores link gives you quick insight into some of the best IQ scores on my and many other IQ tests. I also try to maintain the list of favorite IQ tests, collecting your votes.

Religion – Art

However, I’m not interested only in IQ tests and mathematics, which is my profession. I believe in God and try to live my faith. As I’m pretty bad theologician, under Religion link I’ll only try to help people in need. I pray God to give me enough humbleness to maintain this site in the productive way. Finally, under Steven Fell’s Art link I’ll promote one American artist, who did my portrait for this website.

Ivan Ivec

It’s hard to read where the society ends and the personal webpage begins. They seem merged in some manner. Nonetheless, given the extensive coverage on the site, no doubt, it’s active to some degree, not defunct, though conflated in purposes with individual or personal endeavours of Ivec. Ivec has some YouTube videos, too, now.

At 6 sigma, the Giga Society of Paul Cooijmans seems highly functional on the first pass and the second pass. Its website states:


Membership of the Giga Society is ideally open to anyone outscoring .999999999 of the adult population on at least one of the accepted tests. This means that in theory one in a billion individuals can qualify. Please do not confuse this criterion with popularly published scores on childhood tests (which are mental/biological age ratio I.Q.’s that are not comparable with deviation I.Q.’s and tend to be much higher), estimated I.Q.’s of famous people, or self-claimed I.Q.’s of megalomaniacs. You can not join by simply listing your real-life achievements, diplomas and the like, even though you are, of course, of greater value to society because of those than you would be because of a high test score.

Main goal of the Giga Society is to further the establishment of mental ability test norms in the very high range. This is done by recognizing high-scoring candidates for their effort in taking the tests (not for being intelligent), Giga Society membership being one of the incentives for test-taking. Into the bargain, this also promotes the general goals of high-range I.Q. testing, as well as the study of creativity and genius in terms of personality features. Inspired by the prospect of membership, many take the tests, thus bringing in much research data. This is explained so explicitly in this paragraph because experience has shown that some otherwise misunderstand the nature of the society, and mistake it for a cult of megalomania.

The society was founded in 1996 by Paul Cooijmans, who has served as its Psychometitor since, and has a journal named Nemesis which appears after every enrolment, the first of which occurred in 1999. The Giga Society is not a member of any networks or umbrella societies other than GliaWeb.


It has been known to occur that social media “groups” started by impostors made unauthorized use of the name “Giga Society” or some variant or misspelling thereof. Such groups are not affiliated with the Giga Society, and membership in them under no circumstance entitles one to call oneself a member of the Giga Society. Contact the society’s Psychometitor to verify whether any particular group is bona fide.

Its members include Andreas Gunnarsson, Thomas Wolf, Evangelos Katsioulis, Rick Rosner/Richard Rosner/Richard G. Rosner/Rick G. Rosner, Matthew Scillitani, Heinrich Siemens, Scott Ben Durgin/Scott Durgin, Dany Provost, Rolf Mifflin, Paul John – possibly others. Cooijmans serves as the “psychometitor,” since 1996. The Nano Society of Ivan Ivec seems defunct on first pass leading to a dead website. On second pass, an article by Scott G. Halford noted the only member, circa 2009, of the Nano Society was Mislav Predavec. It seems defunct. The Sigma VI Society of Hindemburg Melão seems online. The activity level appears low or static. Its members and prospective members include Hindemburg Melão Jr., Petri Widsten, Alexandre Prata Maluf (Prospective member who is waiting for the new norm of the Sigma Test VI), and Peter David Bentley (Prospective member who is waiting for the new norm of the Sigma Test VI).

At 6.27 sigma, the One in Five Society of Huck Nembelton leads to a dead website and seems dead on the first pass. Its old website, on second pass, stated:

There are more than 60 High IQ societies listed on the IQ Test site!

These include Mensa, Asnem, Triple Nines, Grail, The Prometheus Society, the Mega Society, the Sigma Society, etc.

Asnem is the only one of the 60 that lists “NONE” under the Other acceptable test category

If you want to get into Asnem, You’ve got to have what it takes!

Even so, there is a society that’s above Asnem….

“The One in Five society, commonly called….”


Membership is limited to the “one” smartest person in 5 Billion!

And, for all we know, it might be you!

The One in Five society was envisioned by Huck Nembelton

when he heard about Paul Cooijman’s Giga Society.

Cooijman defines society as a group with one or more members,

claiming to be the most exclusive High IQ group in the world.

The Gigas are people who have scored in the One in a Billion IQ range (195 IQ)

and presently have 5 members, all of whom just happen to live in the United States and Europe.

Where about 90% of the worlds population does not happen to live!

Huck, as smart as he is, suggested that we start a “One in Five Billion group”

and that the smartest person in 5 Billion would be the only member, and get “The Card”.

(This person, of course would be the smartest person in the world)

As long as the worlds population stays under 10 Billion, there can only be one member.

This would mean that the member would be… I don’t know what it means.

Anyway, if you are the one, please submit proof, “The Card” will then be sent to you!

(“The Card” hermetically sealed in pure Lucite will be valid until around 2065*)

“The Card” advantage: Whether you leave home with or without it wont make any difference!

*The worlds population, depending on wars, famine, asteroids, acts of God, etc., will exceed 10 Billion by 2065.

and “One in Five” could have 2 members thereby becoming null and void!

At that time, the “One in Ten” group will pick up the torch, and “One in Five” will come to an end!

As always, in the event of a tie, the judges, Huck & Reggie’s, decision is final!

The inspiration, in essence, came from the Giga Society of Paul Cooijmans. On second pass, the One in Five Society is defunct. The Universal Genius Society (UNIGEG) of Brennan Martin leads to a dead link and appears defunct on first pass. It claimed membership under the umbrella organization “RAINBOW BRIDGE.” Its image design on the page was designed by Papageorgiou Pantelis in 2008. Its website stated:


Be part of the 0.00000000015% group.

(not affiliated with 
Giga or the Mega)

Official Membership Titles

Universal Genius (UG) 
—> IQ 200+ (16sd); UNIGEG member.

UNIGEG World I.Q. Champion
Highest current cumulated IQ scores overall rating on FIVE of its accepted entrance tests (mean average) by a member.

UNIGEG World I.Q. Record Holder 
—> Highest current IQ test score by member on ONE of its accepted entrance tests. TOP RANKING member by test performance on a single test (not averaged). 

Non-Membership Titles

RESULTS: UNIGEG World I.Q. Championship 2010 (Spatial)

Download test –> Human Intelligence Test


UNIGEG will grant the title of Universal Genius for any disclosed I.Q. test score 
listed below and verified at or succeeding the level of: 

200 (16=sd) or 194 (15=sd)

~*~ 99.99999998 or σ 6.27 ~*~

This is an award achievable by approximately 1 in 6’500’000’000 of the unselected HU-MAN adult population living on this dimensional plane (vibrational level); an estimated 1 person…

…Currently there is 1 member! 

Universal Genius Guild member is conferred with the official title and prestige of
Universal Genius which he is known by.
E.g. Universal Genius John Doe, or abbreviated, John Doe U.G..
UNIGEG will confirm accredited use of this title in diploma and verification letter documentation.

The Universal Genius is at the 100% mind usage level; at the modern summit of HU-MAN cognitive processes evolution representing a kind of “divine perfection”. Who has died and become reborn again an ascended being. 

In other words, who has arisen from the ashes and become a god!

[1] There is NO SUBSCRIBER MEMBER option offered as the society’s aim concerning intelligence qualification is the out-and-out dimension of 
quality above quantity.
For this reason membership fees are negligible.

[2] There is NO HONORARY MEMBER option offered as the existing standards with meeting the 
quality criterion named above is solely counted by the candidate’s benchmark intelligence performance under the organisation’s strict internal parameters, and not via externally existing mediums; i.e., other websites, real-world achievements, and the like.

This is not a vanity organisation!

These features set a whole new “standard” for the existing (very more popular and very less qualitative) International High I.Q. Societies’ to follow…

…The World’s Most Exclusive High I.Q. Society. 
Selecting at the highly experimental and controversial level of
 1 out of 6.5 billion people on Earth.

UNIGEG is the first official granting world accreditation body of the most avant-garde designation in intelligence: 

Universal Genius.

Brennan Martin (COMiQ) :: A professional psychic from New Zealand, conceived of the UNIGEG concept sometime in 2002-2003 while still a teenager. Although it wasn’t until several years later on November-6-2009 that UNIGEG made an official presence on the internet.

UNIGEG primarily exists to recognise and honour in concrete historical testimony and importance, the mental abilities collective of the greatest mind potential to have ever lived on Gaia in grace, the cosmic planet being Earth – BIG MOTHER – within 3rd dimensional density parameters, uniquely qualified through one of a selection of cutting-edge 21st century high-range intelligence detection tools.

On second pass, it appears defunct.

At 6.66 sigma, the Grail Society of Paul Cooijmans appears functional and inactive with a website on the first pass. On second pass, the same website, it states:


A goal of this society is to acknowledge you are the most intelligent person ever on Earth. The word “Grail” symbolizes the concept of g or “general intelligence”, defined as the common factor in mental ability test score variance, personified in you. In the process of qualifying, you will contribute to the higher goal of enabling the norming of the very highest score levels on I.Q. tests for the high range.


Since it is estimated that roughly a hundred billion of the species Homo sapiens have lived until now, the ideal admission level is an I.Q. test score reached by one in a hundred billion persons, which theoretically takes place about 6.7 standard deviations above the mean, so around I.Q. 200 when the standard deviation (σ) is set at 15.

For several reasons this value can not be correct; for instance, the mean and σ of the group of all humans that have lived will not be the same as those of the current adult Western population to which our norms refer; projected onto today’s I.Q. scale, the level of 1 in 100 billion Homo sapiens is logically somewhat below 200 but higher than 190. And a normal distribution of that total group may be incompatible with normal distributions with different means and σs of the subgroups that comprise it, such as sexes, historical eras, subspecies, or peoples (although on the other hand, amalgams of normal distributions do tend toward normality themselves). And an actual distribution is never exactly “normal”, let alone at such an extreme distance from the mean (actually it can on good grounds only be expected to approximate normality within plus or minus about 2 σ from the mean). So that is why the admission level is called “ideal”.

For reasons of simplicity and symbolism though, a straightforward “.99999999999” or “1-10-11” will suffice to become the Grail Society’s member. Qualifying tests: all of the tests by Paul Cooijmans with norms at or above that level, as well as a score on the (free of charge) Test for extrasensory perception exceeding or equal to a probability of 1 in 1011.

It looks non-defunct and active as with the other societies of Cooijmans.

At 7 sigma, the Tera Society of R. Young of New Zealand on the first pass contains an active, functional website, i.e., seems non-defunct. Its website states:

The Tera Society was founded by Roddy Young in 2009. The pico Society, founded by The same person, was incorporated into the new over all platform of humans’ ever conceived and those with IQ scores on the One in one trillion range as out layers on the left and right of the bell curve were acted for (IQ 200-201 SD15 and IQ 0-1 SD 15) or more or less were invited to join. (The Genotype qualifying score was subsequently raised higher than the current phenotype high Ceiling tests; official scoring of the Tera/pico tests started developing at the end of 2009, after the test was composed to address the alleles and gene loci available in the human genome for high IQ ). A number of different tests are developing with the mapping of the human genome and during the first few years of Tera’s existence the membership was antidotal. Later, the Tera/pico test was expanded to one in 10 trillion and one in 100 trillion as future conceptions were projected out into the coming 500,000 years and Roddy Young’s Tera Test became the sole official entrance tests, awaiting vote of the membership. Later, The Young pico Test was added. (The Tera and pico tests  have not been compromised, so scores after 2009 are currently accepted; the Tera test and and pico test cutoff is now 1 in 1.0 * 10^12—but either the 1 in 1.0 * 10^13 cutoff or the cutoff 1 in 1.0 * 10^14 tests will maintain the same premise, as they are extrapolatable to 1 in 1.0 * 10^15 and 1 in 1.0 * 10^16 )

Tera publishes an irregularly-timed journal. The society also has a (low-traffic) members-only e-mail list. Tera members, please contact the Editor to be added to the list.

For more background on Tera, please refer to Darryl Miyaguchi‘s ―A Short (and Bloody) History of the High-IQ Societies‖—(it’s not yet included but follows a polemic tradition.)

The society appears functional and active, even with a music video of Kevin Langdon. For some of the other analyses, please see the articles here, links are active below:

A Review of the World Intelligence Network Sigma 1.33-3.07 Societies

World Intelligence Network Sigma 1.33-3.07 Societies “Second Pass”

The World Intelligence Network 3.13-4.8 Sigma Societies First Review

Second Pass of the World Intelligence Network 3.13-4.8 Sigma Societies

First Pass of the World Intelligence Network 5 to 7 Sigma Societies

“World Intelligence Network Sigma 1.33-3.07 Societies “Second Pass”” concluded, “Thus, we can consider first pass defunct and second pass defunct 21 societies of 45 between sigmas 1.33 and 3.07 of the World Intelligence Network with 9 of 45 in an apparent paralytic state, while 15 have a range of functionality, activity, i.e., non-defunct status based on first pass and second pass review. Even with those 15, some may, in fact, have an online listing while being truly defunct if a more robust and comprehensive third pass analysis went forth.” Which is to state, 84 minus 45 equal 39, so 39 of the high-IQ societies existed between sigma 3.13 and 7.

Between 3.13 and 4.8 sigma, the societies included Ludomind Society, SesquIQ Society, ISI-Society, Smart People Society, Epida Society, sinApsa Society, SPIQR Society, Coeus Society, Hall Of The Ancients (HOTA), Vertex Society, Camp Archimedes Society, Epimetheus Society, Ergo Society, HELLIQ Society, Prometheus Society, Sigma IV Society, Tetra Society, Platinum Society, Eximia Society, UltraNet Society/Ultranet, GenerIQ Society, Incognia Society, Mega Society, Omega Society, and Pi Society, comprising an additional 25 societies bringing the total from sigma 1.33 to 4.8 to 70 high-IQ societies.

Between 5 and 7 sigma, the societies included Mega International Society/Mega International, OLYMPIQ Society, Pars Society, PolymathIQ Society, Sigma V Society, Unicorn Society, Ultima Society, GIGA Society, Nano Society, Sigma VI Society, One in Five Society, Universal Genius Society (UNIGEG), Grail Society, and Tera Society, comprising 14 high-IQ societies. An interesting, though a reasonable, trend comes from the decreasing numbers of high-IQ societies at each of the three defined strata – 1.33 to 3.07 sigma, 3.13 to 4.8 sigma, and 5 to 7 sigma.

For the high-IQ societies between 3.13 and 4.8 sigma, there are 11 defunct societies and 14 non-defunct societies. The defunct societies as follows: Ludomind Society, SesquIQ Society, Smart People Society, sinApsa Society, Coeus Society, Hall Of The Ancients (HOTA), Camp Archimedes Society, Ergo Society, Platinum Society, Eximia Society, and Incognia Society. The 14 non-defunct societies are ISI-Society, Epida Society, SPIQR Society, Vertex Society, Camp Archimedes Society, Epimetheus Society, HELLIQ Society, Prometheus Society, Sigma IV Society, Tetra Society, UltraNet Society/Ultranet, GenerIQ Society, Mega Society, Omega Society, and Pi Society. This makes for 15 of 45 non-defunct societies from sigma 1.33 to 3.07 and 14 of 25 non-defunct societies from sigma 3.07 to 4.8 for 29 of 70 high-IQ societies as non-defunct with various levels of activity, where 9 appear outright paralytic, for 38 as non-defunct.

For the high-IQ societies from sigma 5 to 7, the non-defunct societies comprise 9 of the 14 high-IQ societies with 5 as defunct in stature. The non-defunct societies include Mega International Society/Mega International, OLYMPIQ Society, PolymathIQ Society, Sigma V Society, Ultima Society, GIGA Society, Sigma VI Society, Grail Society, and Tera Society. The defunct societies include Pars Society, Unicorn Society, Nano Society, One in Five Society, and Universal Genius Society (UNIGEG). Some societies, naturally, such as Grail Society or Tera Society will be low in active status if not outright paralytic. One reason for the messiness of some of the presentation of the content is managing more of a graveyard than a pond of fish.

From sigmas 1.33 to 7, we come to 24 non-defunct high-IQ societies between 1.33 and 3.07 sigma, 14 non-defunct high-IQ societies between 3.13 and 4.8 sigma, and 9 non-defunct high-IQ societies between 5 and 7 sigma, for a total of 47 non-defunct high-IQ societies with wide variation in longevity and activity, where some even exist in limbo or in a paralytic state. So, the strata numbers should be 45 for the first, 25 for the second, 14 for the last, as follows, in the original 84 “active” societies listed for the World Intelligence Network:

1.33 Sigma to 3.07 Sigma

1. UberMens Society

2. AtlantIQ Society

3. Cogito Society

4. International High IQ Society

5. OmIQami Society

6. Society for Intellectually Gifted Individuals with Disabilities

7. VinCI Society

8. Alta Capacidad Hispana (ACH)

9. Deep Brain Society

10. AtheistIQ Society

11. BPIQ Society

12. Encefálica Society

13. Gifted Artists Circle

14. Greatest Minds Society

15. High Potentials Society

16. Ingenium Society

17. IQUAL Society

18. Mensa Society

19. Mysterium Society

20. Sigma II Society

21. Chorium Society

22. Elateneos Society

23. Intertel Society

24. Mind Society

25. Top One Percent Society (TOPS)

26. UNIQ Society

27. Colloquy Society

28. Poetic Genius Society (PGS)

29. HispanIQ International Society (HIS)

30. Infinity International Society (IIS)

31. Cerebrals Society

32. EpIQ Society

33. ExactIQ Society

34. Neurocubo

35. Artifex Mens Congregatio

36. CIVIQ Society

37. Sigma III Society

38. Genius Society

39. Glia Society

40. International Society for Philosophical Enquiries (ISPE)

41. IQuadrivium Society

42. LogIQ Society

43. Milenija Society

44. One in A Thousand (OATH)

45. Triple Nine Society (TNS)

3.13 Sigma to 4.8 Sigma

46. Ludomind Society

47. SesquIQ Society

48. ISI-Society

49. Smart People Society

50. Epida Society

51. sinApsa Society

52. SPIQR Society

53. Coeus Society

54. Hall Of The Ancients (HOTA)

55. Vertex Society

56. Camp Archimedes Society

57. Epimetheus Society

58. Ergo Society

59. HELLIQ Society

60. Prometheus Society

61. Sigma IV Society

62. Tetra Society

63. Platinum Society

64. Eximia Society

65. UltraNet Society

66. GenerIQ Society

67. Incognia Society

68. Mega Society

69. Omega Society

70. Pi Society

5 Sigma to 7 Sigma

71. Mega International Society

72. OLYMPIQ Society

73. Pars Society

74. PolymathIQ Society

75. Sigma V Society

76. Unicorn Society

77. Ultima Society

78. GIGA Society

79. Nano Society

80. Sigma VI Society

81. One in Five Society

82. Universal Genius Society (UNIGEG)

83. Grail Society

84. Tera Society

If we parse the non-defunct from the total list, we can produce the non-defunct society listing, as follows:

1.33 Sigma to 3.07 Sigma

  1. The Cogito Society
  2. The International High IQ Society of Nathan Haselbauer
  3. The Deep Brain Society of Anna Maria Santoro and Vincenzo D’Onofrio
  4. Mensa Society of Lancelot Ware and Roland Berrill
  5. The High Potentials Society of Max Tiefenbacher
  6. Intertel of Ralph Haines
  7. The Top One Percent Society (TOPS) of Ronald K. Hoeflin
  8. The Colloquy Society of Julia Cachia
  9. The CIVIQ Society of Evangelos Katsioulis
  10. The Glia Society of Paul Cooijmans
  11. International Society for Philosophical Enquiries/International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (ISPE) of Christopher Harding
  12. The Triple Nine Society (TNS) of Richard Canty, Ronald Hoeflin, Ronald Penner, Edgar Van Vleck, and Kevin Langdon
  13. The AtlantIQ Society of Beatrice Rescazzi and Moreno Casalegno
  14. The EpIQ Society of Chris Chsioufis
  15. The IQuadrivium Society of Karyn S. Huntting
  16. The Society for Intellectually Gifted Individuals with Disabilities of Nathaniel David Durham/Nate Durham with assistant Lyla Durham
  17. The Encefálica Society of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa
  18. The Greatest Minds Society of Roberto A. Rodriguez Cruz
  19. The Mysterium Society of Greg A. Grove
  20. The Sigma II Society of Hindemburg Melão
  21. The Mind Society of Hernan R. Chang
  22. The Infinity International Society (IIS) of Jeffrey Osgood
  23. The Sigma III Society of Hindemburg Melão
  24. The Milenija Society of Ivan Ivec and Mislav Predavec

3.13 Sigma to 4.8 Sigma

  1. ISI-Society of Jonathan Wai
  2. Epida Society of Fernando Barbosa Neto
  3. SPIQR Society of Marco Ripà
  4. Vertex Society of Stevan M. Damjanovic
  5. Epimetheus Society of Ronald K. Hoeflin
  6. HELLIQ Society of Evangelos Katsioulis
  7. Prometheus Society of Ronald K. Hoeflin
  8. Sigma IV Society of Hindemburg Melão
  9. Tetra Society of Mislav Predavec
  10. UltraNet Society/Ultranet of Dr. Gina Langan and Christopher Langan
  11. GenerIQ Society of Mislav Predavec
  12. Mega Society of Ronald K. Hoeflin
  13. Omega Society of Ronald K. Hoeflin
  14. Pi Society of Nikos Lygeros/Nik Lygeros

5 Sigma to 7 Sigma

  1. Mega International Society/Mega International of Dr. Gina Langan and Christopher Langan
  2. OLYMPIQ Society of Evangelos Katsioulis
  3. PolymathIQ Society of Ron Altmann
  4. Sigma V Society of Hindemburg Melão
  5. Ultima Society of Ivan Ivec
  6. GIGA Society of Paul Cooijmans
  7. Sigma VI Society of Hindemburg Melão
  8. Grail Society of Paul Cooijmans
  9. Tera Society of R. Young

Given the above, we can provide an updated and more accurate listing of the non-defunct high-IQ societies from the “active” 84 high-IQ societies listed by the World Intelligence Network with a novel listing of 47 high-IQ societies with a more modest non-defunct statement of status while providing a footnote of the wide range of the level of activity of the high-IQ societies. Unfortunately, this matches a widespread trend of paralysis or death for a number of high-IQ societies. Addendum I and Addendum II will cover the World Intelligence Network listing as a whole in terms of membership – the who, while Addendum III will provide the accepted tests for the non-defunct societies.

[1] In former iterations, the stated board of directors have been Christopher M. Langan (Chairman), Gina Lynne LoSasso, Ph.D. (Executive Director), and Robert N. Seitz, Ph.D. (Grant Director); officers have been Christopher M. Langan (President), Gina Lynne LoSasso, Ph.D. (Vice President and Treasurer ), and Michael A. Corrado (Program Coordinator); volunteer staff have been Gina Lynne LoSasso, Ph.D. (Website Coordination/Graphic Design) and Kelly Self (Coordinator, Volunteer Services); Ultranet people have been Jo-Anne Sullivan (Executive Editor, Ubiquity), Nik Lygeros,  Ph.D. (Membership Committee); Michael A. Corrado (Membership Committee), and Gina Lynne LoSasso, Ph.D. (Contributing Editor, Ubiquity). Others involved have been Margaret Cohn, Ph.D. (Dean Emeritus, Honors Program), Hugh Currie (Accountant, Bridge/Chess expert), James Harbeck, Ph.D. (Writer/Editor, Designer), Philip Hardwick (Philosopher), Mike Hess, M.B.A., M.A. (Marketing Research Executive), Kate Laverents, BA (Art, Literature, Child Development), Andrea Lobel (Freelance Writer), Nik Lygeros, Ph.D. (Mathematician), Juan D. Martinez, B.Sc. (Developmental Psychologist), Heather Preston, M.S. (Astrophysics Researcher/Lecturer), and Kerry Williams (Researcher). There were Foundation Fellows, Program Consultants, Mentors, and Benefactors. Also, there was the UltraBoard and the UltraChat. There was a BookSource grant program, NetHelp, Mega Foundation Challenge Grants, a documentary film project, the journal Ubiquity, and the Ultranet as the “Global Ultra-HiQ Network.”

[2] The members include Dr. Evangelos G. Katsioulis, MD, MSc, PhD, Bart Miles, Laura N. Kochen, D.X.J., Christophe Dodos, Steve Schuessler, George Ch. Petasis, A.F., Jonas Högberg, Mari Takishita, J. W., Thomas B., Jan Willem Versluis, Alexander Prata Maluf, Dr. Christopher Philip Harding, Oliver Q., Wayne Zhang, Martin Tobias Lithner, Miguel Angel Soto-Miranda, M.D., Hever Horacio Arreola Gutierrez, Wang Peng, Takahiro Kitagawa, Andreas Andersson, Lee HanKyung, M.D., Julio Machado, Misaki Ota, Erik Hæreid, Santanu Sengupta, Qiao Hansheng, Dr. Benoit Desjardins, MD, PhD, Wen-Chin Sui, Yaron Mirelman, JMoriarty, Fan Yiwen, Zhibin Zhang (张智彬), Chen Anping, Dr. Yasunobu Egawa, Ph.D., Raymond Walbrecq, Junlong Li(李俊龙, Prof. Vernon M. Neppe MD, PhD, Nth Bar-Fields, Susumu Ota, Li Shimin, Marios Prodromou, Rickard Sagirbay, Dan Liu (刘丹), YoungHoon Bryan Kim (김영훈), W. C., Jo Christopher Montalban Resquites, Entemake Aman, Daniel Shea, Yaniv Hozez, Ζeu Ζoug(宗震), and Sio.

Its Subscribers are Gaetano Morelli, Anonymous O.S.2,  Anonymous O.S.3, Yi Junho, Frederick Goertz, Iakovos Koukas, Anonymous OS.007, Altug Alkan, James McBeath, Anonymous O.S.10, Anonymous O.S.11, Nikolaos Katevas MDs, BSc, MSc, PhDc, Jose Gonzalez Molinero, Frank Aiello, Watcharaphol Chitvattanawong (วัชรพล ชิตวัฒนวงษ์), and Sandra Schlick.

[3] Its possible membership included Ahmet Cetinbudaklar, Albert Frank, Alexandre Prat Maluf, Baran Yönter, Barry C. Howard, Carlos Paula Simoes, Chris Ksioufis, David Udbjorg, Evangelos G. Katsioulis, Georgios Ch. Petasis, Greg Grove, Hindemburg Melao JR, Jonas Högberg, Jonathan Wai, Julie Tribes, Laurent Dubois, Maria Claudia Faverio, Max Tiefenbacher, Nikos Lygeros, Paul Laurent, Robert Brizel, Owen Cosby, Stefan Radovanovich, Stevan M. Damjanovic, Steve Schuessler, Thomas Baumer, Thomas Ossel, Thomas Wolf, and Torbjorn Brenna.

Photo by Drew Graham on Unsplash


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