Baloch charismatic leader Dr. Allah Nazar tweets about Pakistan’s offer

Dr Allah Nazar Baloch, Godfather of the Balochistan freedom struggle.
Dr Allah Nazar Baloch, Godfather of the Balochistan freedom struggle (Photo: News Intervention)

Baloch freedom fighter and Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) leader Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch revealed in a tweet how Pakistan sugar coated its threats and made lucrative offers to dissuade him from the Balochistan’s freedom movement. Dr Allah Nazar Baloch refused all offers from Pakistan and chose to fight for Balochistan’s independence.

“They said we’ll make you a minister like Jam Yousuf or go to Europe, we’ll arrange u’r travel, otherwise our bullet will chase you u’r whole life. I chose the last option & narrowly escaped many times. I am waiting for that bullet. Or else Baloch nation will stone my coffin like…,” said Dr Allah Nazar Baloch in his tweet posted on August 21, 2020.

Dr. Allah Nazar’s tweet has an important meaning, and this tweet has gone viral on social media. A large number of Baloch youth have retweeted Dr Allah Nazar’s tweet and have commented on it praising him for his efforts in this struggle.

Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch is an important pillar of the Baloch national struggle and he was subjected to the most severe torture during his detention by Pakistan.

When Dr Allah Nazar came out and was recovered by Baloch people after months of disappearance by Pakistani forces, he was unable to walk, but he persevered like an iron man. He gave a direction to the national struggle for freedom.

Of course, his tweet points to the fact that he was in prison and was offered luxuries by the state. And his tweet also has an underlying message to those Baloch people who go to Pakistani parliament in the name of opportunism and then how the nation treats them after their death.

It must be noted that several leaders and workers involved in freedom movements are offered great privileges by Pakistan and many workers or leaders do get trapped in the lure of these luxuries and then part ways. But some activists and leaders are ideologically and consciously attached to the movements and cannot be taken away by any kind of luxury.

Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch is one such leader who fought hard after his release and carried the message of freedom to every part of occupied Balochistan. He is the charismatic leader of Balochistan’s freedom movement.

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