Hegemony of Kashmir Valley is over and out

Residents of Gorkha Nagar in Jammu celebrate government's resolution to revoke Art 370 and Art 35A from Jammu & Kashmir. (Photo: PTI)
Residents of Gorkha Nagar in Jammu celebrate government's resolution to revoke Art 370 and Art 35A from Jammu & Kashmir. (Photo: PTI)

We are witnessing the historic decision of abrogation of Art 370 and Art 35A that establishes supremacy of the Parliament over entire Indian union.

Kashmir has been reeling under externally sponsored terrorist attacks. The dominant political group from the valley had begun to pander to fundamentalist Islamic propensity from 1980, a conspiracy in which Pakistan was directly involved. Owing to the pusillanimity of Congress regimes, sponsored terrorists having made common cause with the local radicals and separatists had slowly and gradually worked for the establishment of an Islamic theocratic character of Jammu and Kashmir. Not only ISI but ISIS and the Saudi al-Akhbarat also had made inroads into Kashmir polity. Lately, China had also begun to carve out its constituency in the Kashmir Valley. For many years Pakistan has been demanding Kashmir deal from the US in exchange for bartering her out from the Afghan imbroglio. Out of his buffoonery, Trump made Imran believe that he would push the barter deal. Therefore India took the precipitate action to forestall these nefarious designs. 

Kashmiris are inherently happy with an atmosphere of turmoil and unrest. They must have a pretext. Hate India is the best pretext their leaders provided them and they would go with that culture for decades to come.

Let us not take into account the Kashmir terror in isolation. Islamic terror is a worldwide phenomenon. This terror will not go away either that soon or that easily. India and particularly the Narendra Modi government is adequately geared up to fight terrorism for at least half-a-century from now. India will have to train and equip one half of her youth (in the 20 to 30 age group) to fight terrorism.

Kashmiri Pandits are determined to return to the Kashmir Valley. Nothing on earth will stop them. They have the support of vast international community besides the powerful Indian Diaspora abroad. But they have made it clear to the Indian government that they will go back to a peaceful and pious Kashmir and not to the Theo-Fascist and Wahhabized Kashmir. Kashmiri Pandits have a mega plan of rebuilding Kashmir as the Asian Switzerland. Kashmiri Pandit think-tank is in contact with a gigantic international corporate segment for changing Kashmir into real paradise and into the most cherished destination of world tourism. They are in liaison with agencies national as well as international on the important area of exploring and exploiting hidden mineral wealth in the Himalayan Mountains and slopes and karewas so that the economy of Kashmir makes an unprecedented turn around.

What India should keep in mind after the development of 5th August 2019, is to remain alert and not allow Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism to spread its tentacles in parts of the country. Indian civil society has to isolate anti-national elements in academia, administration, judiciary, media and other services and make them dysfunctional.

The Indian society is to be sensitized against a clandestine connection of anti-national elements forming networks with the objective of conducting anti-national activities. After the revocation of Article 370, people will gradually come to know the huge network which the terrorists had set up and in which many locals were active participants. This should do not happen again.

As far as reaction on an international level is concerned, Pakistan will, obviously, feel most hurt and will retaliate by escalating tension and firing along the LoC. Pakistan’s deep state will exacerbate anti-India propaganda and lastly, they will be knocking at the doors of international bodies like the UN, British Parliament, US Congress and foreign media to paint India in dark colour regarding J&K. Once the detained political leaders are set free they will raise stone pelters at the rate of 100 rupees instead of the earlier 500 rupees per head to target the forces and then claim a medal for bravery. After about a few weeks of protests and demonstrations, they will cool down.

We expected Home Minister Amit Shah to say that the State would be trifurcated. I would have welcomed if it was trifurcated. Ultimately it has to be trifurcated otherwise Jammu people will go on suffering discrimination and deprivation at the hands of Kashmir Valley’s majority. It is unjust. Nothing on earth binds them together. It is unnatural, irrational and unjust marriage and the divorce must come sooner rather than later.

In the final analysis, the hegemony of Kashmir Valley leadership has come to an end and so has the dynastic rule. There is a fair chance that Indian government will start a huge developmental plan for Kashmir like building of basic infrastructure, roads, connectivity, industries, educational institutions of excellence, health projects, forest industry on modernized lines producing wooden furniture, doors, windows, ceilings, etc. of prefabricated technology borrowed from Russia or the US, a gigantic boost to international tourism while simultaneously reducing the vicious influence of radicalisation and Wahhabism. Kashmiris will interact with wider sections of Indian civil society and there will be vibrant exchanges of social and cultural nature between Kashmir and the rest of the country. 


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