More, Please: Ignorant and Proud of It


Canadians, based on research published as recently as March, 2021, disaffirm or reject non-scientific ideas or mythologies posed as literal truths vis-Ă -vis biology. Most Canadians – 57% – affirm “human beings evolved from less advanced forms of life over millions of years.”

This statement exemplifies a scientifically educated and empirically healthy country. The education system has worked, especially when compared to most other countries in the world – even if simply moving across the Southern border.

However, or “but,” the social and political fight will continue with the fervently religious – mostly, except for David Berlinski – wanting to introduce creationism into the formal curriculum of the young.

Duly note, for those without a basic knowledge of scientific principles or modern scientific processes, none of this has gone through rigorous peer-review at highly educated and qualified levels. Even if so, not in a standard sense, it’s problematic.

Apparently, the spread of misinformed views has continued more into the general public, not on the scientific facts ground, more on the teaching grounds. Over the past two or so years, Canadians have incrementally moved towards wanting creationism taught in school. So, they don’t believe in it, mostly, but want it taught in the schools, generally.

The original idea behind Intelligent Design and creationism was precisely this wish – to innervate the school systems without scientific evidence, but with religious ideology. There were a large number of court cases in the United States defending scientific education in the biology classes.

It is theology masquerading as science. This has always been the case, including the most glaring case with the “Wedge Strategy” made public, which was a political and social action plan of the Discovery Institute. One is reminded of the failed International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design (ISCID) and defunctProgress in Complexity, Information, and Design.

If the world denies the reality of their reality, then they simply move to create a blanket of make-believe. This is theocratic activity and intent. No doubt about it. Canadians must remain vigilant against it.

According to the reliable national survey, 44% of Canadians consider divine creation of live and the universe worth teaching in the school curriculum. This makes sense if a comparative religions course, and divine creation of the universe has no place in an astronomy or a biology class. The 44% is up six points from November 2019 with a similar survey.

However, 34% of Canadians would not allow teachers to discuss creationism, while 23% are unsure. The support for the inclusion of creationism is unsurprisingly high in Alberta at 53%, surprisingly in Quebec at 50%, unsurprisingly among those without much historical context in general with those aged 18 to 34 at 51%, and among men at 46%. So, women, the old, and every other province get the idea.

Mario Canseco, President of Research Co., said, “A majority of Canadians who identify as Christians (55%) are in favour of the teaching of creationism in Canada’s schools… The proportion drops dramatically among those who have no religion (22%), agnostics (15%) and atheists (12%).”

Creationism has its highest belief in Alberta at 36%, Atlantic Canada at 33%. Then it begins to normalize to national levels in Manitoba at 26%, Quebec at 25%, Ontario at 24%, and British Columbia at 22%.

The fight against theocratic incursions and ignorance continues in Canada, too.

With files from ResearchCo

Photo by Guillaume Jaillet on Unsplash

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