Pakistan’s nuclear weapons test at Chagi continues to violate international laws

Pakistan's nuclear tests on May 28, 1998 at Chagi, Balochistan has created serious health problems for Baloch people.
Pakistan's nuclear tests on May 28, 1998 at Chagi, Balochistan has created serious health problems for Baloch people.

Pakistan is an irresponsible state that’s violating Article 6 of the Declaration of Human Rights (1948) which protects the fundamental recognition of the right of individual, namely the right to live and also Article 6 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which is peremptory norm of general international law (Jus Cogens) and cannot be derogated by state even during the period of emergency.

Additionally Pakistan has seriously violated Article 25 and Article 3 of The Declaration of Human Rights on account of which the basis of a safe and healthy environment. The rights were inserted and reiterated in the 1972 Stockholm Declarations at the United Nations Conference on Environment.

Pakistan has also violated the adopted resolution on Nuclear Weapons Test and and Principle 26 of the Declaration, when Pakistan tested Nuclear weapons at Ras Koh Hills at district Chagi in Balochistan on 28 May 1998. These nuclear tests were a crystal clear violation of NPT’s (Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) Articles’ obligation, which says that man and his environment must be spared the effects of nuclear weapons and all other means of mass destruction.

Dilemma with United Nations and international states community is that they have not paid attention to what is happening in the areas of Chagi and Dera Ghazi Khan in Balochistan where uranium was explored and the nuclear weapons test was carried out by Pakistan, in consequence of which environment effects directly to the health — mentally as well as physically and cancer has been spreading. It’s due to these nuclear tests that many children have been died and perpetual drought is prevailing. Rather the life of the inhabitants’ survival has become difficult because of change in physical, chemical and biological conditions of the environment.

In Balochistan, deforestation, soil, water degrading and desertification are in an alarming proportion and are seriously endangering the living condition due to nuclear weapons test in Chagi. Pakistan’s nuclear tests have violated the international environmental law, Stockholm Conference on Human Environment (1972) & its Declaration on Human Environment, and particularly Article 6 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which is Jus Cogens and cannot be derogated by state even during the period of emergency.

World has failed to launch infringement proceeding against those states that are breaching the treaties and international laws.

According to the charter of United Nations Articles 1 and 55 which accepted and recognized self-determination as a peremptory norm of International Law from which there can and should be, no derogation. The right to self-determination is therefore applicable to all self-governing territories, that includes Balochistan by virtue of the charter of United Nations.

Let me shed light about what is the peremptory norm which was before known Jus Cogens and the United Nations Commission changed the title of the topic from (Jus Cogens) to peremptory norms of general international law in 2017. Peremptory norm as a norm accepted and recognized by International Community of States as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and which can be modified only by subsequent norm of general international law having the same charter.

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