PTM demands immediate release of Pasthun leader Manzoor Pashteen

PTM Protest In Loralai for release of manzoor pashteen
PTM Protest In Loralai (Photo: News Intervention)

It has been more than 22 days since Manzoor Pashteen was arrested after a deadly attack was orchestrated on him by the Pakistan forces, but PTM Chief has not received any righteous representation. Agitated by an attack on his life and subsequent illegal arrest, Pashtuns are consistently holding protests and demonstrations. In a series of such protests, PTM held a latest demonstration in Loralai in Pakistan occupied Balochistan.

Thousands of Pashtuns reached Loralai and participated in the protest. It must be noted that Manzoor Pashteen was arrested on December 3 after a murderous assault over him by the Pakistan forces in Quetta. He was enroute to Turbat to participate in the Baloch genocide protest, which was organized against extra-judicial killing of 4 Baloch youth in custody of CTD.

The protestors demanded an immediate release of Pashteen. Earlier, the same protest happened in Quetta and Zhob. In Quetta large number of political parties also stood behind the PTM and voiced for the cause of Pashtuns. Apart from local protests, PTM has also resorted to protest overseas.

The common people in Pakistan are suffering at the hands of Pakistan Army. Since decades, Pakistan Army is running illicit operations in border area nearing Afghanistan. This has resulted in the terrorization of the region. With obvious reasons, the biggest ramifications of this terror havoc is inflicted over the innocent Pashtuns. PTM has, since beginning, raised this concern and posed questions over the audacity and intent of Pakistan Army that is the root cause of the problem. As the voice of PTM is becoming strong and is transcending the regional boundary to unify the communities in the struggle against Pakistan, the Punjabi Army is leaving no stone unturned to curb this revolt. Manzoor Pashteen’s hasty arrest is a clear proof of that.   

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