In a powerful demonstration of solidarity and resistance, Tibetans residing in Vienna, under the umbrella of the Tibetan Community Organization and supported by Austrian Volunteer Tibet Advocacy Groups (V-TAGs), gathered outside the Chinese Embassy to protest against China’s occupation of Tibet on Sunday, marking the 65th Tibetan National Uprising Day.
Approximately 200 protesters, draped in Tibetan flags, passionately expressed their discontent with China’s alleged atrocities and genocidal actions in Tibet. Chanting slogans such as “Tibet belongs to Tibetans!” and “China must leave Tibet,” the demonstrators voiced their unwavering commitment to the Tibetan cause.
Austrian politician and member of the Vienna State Parliament and Vienna City Council, Dolores Bakos, lent her support to the protest, brandishing a “Free Tibet” banner. Addressing the crowd on the 65th Tibetan National Uprising Day, Bakos reaffirmed the solidarity of the Austrian people with Tibet and pledged her party’s commitment to advocating for justice at the international level.
Expressing concern over the humanitarian situation in Tibet, Bakos highlighted the violation of cultural and religious rights, as well as the erasure of Tibetan identity under the guise of dam development. Bakos, affiliated with the Austrian political party New Austria and Liberal Forum (NEOS), emphasized the party’s dedication to working closely with Tibetans in Austria.
In a recent move, NEOS MPs presented a resolution in the Austrian Federal Parliament condemning China’s forced transfer of Tibetan children to boarding schools. Accordingly, the resolution is currently under consideration by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Austrian Federal Parliament.
Notably, earlier this month, Tibetan diaspora also staged a protest outside the Chinese Embassy in Vienna, condemning the arrest of Tibetans peacefully opposing the planned dam construction in Tibet’s Sichuan province.
Nevertheless, following the protest, a rally of around 200 Tibetans marched from the Chinese Embassy in Vienna to Stephan Platz, raising awareness among the Austrian public about the harsh measures implemented by the Chinese Communist Party in Tibet. The event aimed to shed light on the ongoing struggle for Tibetan autonomy and human rights, resonating with a global call for justice and freedom.