Pakistan files sedition case against Sindhi nationalists over Sain GM Syed’s birthday celebration

JSFM rally
JSFM National rally at Sann City, Sindh (Photo: Social Media)

Leaders of the Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM) are facing a sedition case filed by the Pakistani establishment, including figures such as Shoban Lashari, Adil Hameed Sargani, Jameel Ahmed Shoro, and other nationalist political workers, including women. The action comes in the aftermath of the celebration of the 120th birthday of Sain GM Syed, a revered Sindhi leader who proposed the idea of independent Sindh nation.

Sain GM Syed’s birth anniversary was on January 17 which JSFM celebrated by carrying out a rally in Sann city, SIndh. Pakistan imposed Section 144 in the city to stop the rally, however, Sindhi nationalists defied the occupying administration’s order and held a successful rally. Frustrated by this, now Pakistan has filed a sedition charge against the JSFM leaders.

Fake sedition case against JSFM

JSFM, known for its longstanding advocacy for an independent Sindhudesh through peaceful and democratic means, strongly criticized what it perceives as an unwarranted and oppressive move by the Pakistani terrorist regime. Despite the movement’s commitment to non-violence, its leaders have been consistently targeted by Pakistan and the fake case against its leaders is a conspicuous example of that.

The filing of the sedition case raises concerns about the shrinking space for freedom of expression and political dissent in Pakistan occupied territories. JSFM leaders and their supporters argue that Pakistan’s actions aim to suppress their legitimate demands for an independent Sindhudesh.

The celebration of Sain GM Syed’s 120th birthday, intended as a moment of remembrance and unity, has instead become a focal point for authorities seeking to curtail political activities. Evidently, Sain GM Syed, an iconic figure among Sindhis, represents a symbol of inspiration, and attempts to hinder celebrations in his honour are viewed by JSFM as an infringement on cultural and political rights.

JSFM remains steadfast in its commitment to pursuing its cause through peaceful and democratic means. The movement perceives the sedition case as a blatant attempt to stifle their voices and undermine their constitutional right to express their aspirations.

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