World Intelligence Network Sigma 1.33 to 7.00 Addendum II – Defunct Societies


*Updated February 10, 2021.*

This is Addendum II to the following seven articles, links active:

A Review of the World Intelligence Network Sigma 1.33-3.07 Societies

World Intelligence Network Sigma 1.33-3.07 Societies “Second Pass”

The World Intelligence Network 3.13-4.8 Sigma Societies First Review

Second Pass of the World Intelligence Network 3.13-4.8 Sigma Societies

First Pass of the World Intelligence Network 5 to 7 Sigma Societies

Second Review of the World Intelligence Network 5 to 7 Sigma Societies

World Intelligence Network Sigma 1.33 to 7.00 Non-Defunct Societies Membership – Addendum I

The World Intelligence Network composed 84 “active” high-IQ societies.

Of those high-IQ societies found non-defunct with stagnation or activity, even high activity, please see the above articles or Addendum I, Addendum II is a complement to the articles and to Addendum I. It provides coverage of the defunct societies.

Those in existence at one time. Now, neither extant nor truly findable, except in the archives or the whispers of the historical record. This listing is based on an analysis of the 84 “active” high-IQ societies of the World Intelligence Network.

This number, at this time, is incorrect with 47 non-defunct and 37 defunct. Those 37 will be presented below. The President of the World Intelligence Network is Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis and the Vice-President is Manahel Thabet.

21 were defunct in the 1.33 to the 3.07 sigma society range. 11 were defunct in the 3.13 to 4.80 sigma range. 5 were defunct in the 5.00 to 7.00 sigma range. Let’s begin:

1.33 to 3.07 Sigma Societies

  1. UberMens Society
  2. OmIQami Society of Andrea Toffoli
  3. VinCi Society of Lloyd King
  4. Alta Capacidad Hispana (ACH) of Vicente Lopez Pena
  5. AtheistIQ Society of Robert Dawson
  6. BPIQ Society of Kelly Dorsett
  7. Gifted Artists Circle of Martin Tobias Lithner
  8. Ingenium Society of Martin Tobias Lithner
  9. IQUAL Society of Gerasimos Papaleventis
  10. Chorium Society of Paul Freeman
  11. Elateneos Society of Andrés Gómez Emilsson
  12. UNIQ Society of Martin Tobias Lithner
  13. Poetic Genius Society (PGS) of Greg A. Grove
  14. HispanIQ International Society (HIS) of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa
  15. Cerebrals Society of Xavier Jouve
  16. ExactIQ Society of Patrick Kreander
  17. Neurocubo of Pedro Lσpez, Thomas Hally, Cisar Tomi, Paul Laurent
  18. Artifex Mens Congregatio of Robert Mestre, Walter VanHuissteden, and Fivos Drymiotis
  19. International Society for Philosophical Enquiries (ISPE) of Christopher Harding
  20. LogIQ Society of Martin Tobias Lithner
  21. Milenija Society of Ivan Ivec and Mislav Predavec

3.13 to 4.80 Sigma Societies

  1. Ludomind Society of Albert Frank and Peter Bentley3
  2. SesquIQ Society
  3. Smart People Society
  4. sinApsa Society of Marin Filinic
  5. Coeus Society of Martin Tobias Lithner
  6. Hall Of The Ancients (HOTA) of Brennan Martin
  7. Camp Archimedes Society of Fivos Drymiotis and Lestat
  8. Ergo Society of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa
  9. Platinum Society of Hindemburg Melão
  10. Eximia Society of Patrick Kreander
  11. Incognia Society of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa

5.00 to 7.00 Sigma Societies

  1. Pars Society of Baran Yönter
  2. Unicorn Society of Hindemburg Melão
  3. Nano Society of Ivan Ivec
  4. One in Five Society of Huck Nembelton
  5. Universal Genius Society (UNIGEG) of Brennan Martin

As presented, as defunct, these do not have legitimate links, typically. If they do, they lead to dead-end websites or require more in-depth research to old mentions in writings about the various high-IQ societies.  Therefore, no links presented here.  

The founders may have membership listings from the last moments before the dissolution or simply disinterest in maintaining the high-IQ society, even the higher-IQ societies.

However, as can be surmised, the lower the sigma, the more societies; also, the more the defunct societies on the lower ends as a consequence of more societies on the lower end in the first place.

It may simply be a percent, about half or a tad less, of all societies become defunct, over time, regardless, if not active. Few make it beyond 30 years, not many.

Indeed, some may devote themselves to promoting particular personalities or theories, or worldviews, which, in turn, restricts communication. It constrains interest and can exhibit egoism to a degree.

Others, for an ideological reason, may simply never communicate to discard correspondence with opposing worldviews, as Christian and atheist high-IQ societies exist or existed, i.e., exhibit discriminatory admissions policies based on ideology, not scores alone.

If you’re looking for a first-pass of societies, then Wikipedia, before, listed, in order of rarity, Mensa International, Intertel, Triple Nine Society, Prometheus Society, and Mega Society[1].

Please see Addendum I for more information on non-defunct societies, and good luck in finding a community fit for you:

World Intelligence Network Sigma 1.33 to 7.00 Non-Defunct Societies Membership – Addendum I

As a small aside, I am aware of more listings and stated foundations, societies, and associations. The 84 societies on the World Intelligence Network appeared as if the most comprehensive.

From this, the list became a more convenient manner in which to survey some of the landscape without all of this messy terrain explored more. It was not a research project to snub anyone; it was a research project to do that which many kept asking to be done.

[1] Looking again, United Sigma Intelligence Association, formerly United Sigma Korea, has been newly listed on the Wikipedia listing for high-IQ societies.

However, the webpage link appears defunct based on the webpage being created by, and the inclusion of the United Sigma Intelligence Association or USIA on the high-IQ societies webpage by, an account associated with the United Sigma Intelligence Association: ‘Usiassociation.’

As a Conflict of Interest stated on the record, the “draft article” was removed by an ‘Arjayay.’ While, the dead link statement continues on the main high-IQ society webpage. This may have happened on Wikipedia before with others, as Wikipedia is old now.

Thus, the linked articles fairly placed on the Wikipedia listing, without a COI called out or illegitimate listing because of a conflict of interest, include, as before, Mensa International, Intertel, Triple Nine Society, Prometheus Society, and Mega Society.

Those are the safe bets.

[Ed. December 12 2020: ‘’ edited the “High-IQ society” article listing on Wikipedia immediately before ‘Usiassociation’ and after the COI or Conflict of Interest claimed by ‘Arjayay.’ Given ‘’ exists, and ‘Usiassociation’ was deleted immediately after the COI claim, there may be a link to ‘Usiassociation’ and ‘,’ as ‘’ has existed since February 4, 2020, and only edited articles including “High-IQ society,” “Prometheus Society,” “Kim Ung-Yong,” “Ronald K. Hoeflin,” “Christopher Langan,” “Youngsook Park,” and then, recently, “High-IQ society,” again. It would appear reasonable to assume a connection to ‘Usiassociation’ and, thus, USIA in this case too, or a link between ‘,’ ‘Usiassociation,’ and USIA/United Sigma Intelligence Association. Furthermore, ‘’ is a South Korean IP address.]

[Ed. December 26 2020: On December 21 to December 24 2020, the same pattern, in spite, of repeated COI claims continued only by the same IP Address from South Korea editing solely or purely for United Sigma Intelligence Association (USIA), formerly United Sigma Korea (USK), to force its content onto the listing. On December 21 2020, ‘’ and ‘Kinu’ reverted to the original five high-IQ societies: Mensa International, Intertel, Triple Nine Society, Prometheus Society, and the Mega Society. On December 22 2020, the same ‘’ reverted to add the United Sigma Intelligence Association or USIA back to the listing of “High-IQ society.” ‘Kinu,’ the same day, reverted the edits from ‘’ On December 23 2020, ‘’ reverted the edits the day prior to the same additions of the United Sigma Intelligence Association or USIA. The same day, ‘Kinu’ reverted them. On December 24 2020, ‘’ reverted to add the United Sigma Intelligence Association or USIA once more. ‘Nieuwsgierige Gebruiker’ reverted, so as to remove United Sigma Intelligence Association or USIA, on the same day. On December 24 2020, ‘Kinu’ blocked ‘’ “with an expiration time of 1 week (anon. only, account creation blocked).”]

[Ed. February 10, 2021: on January 28 2021 ‘‘ continued to attempt the same manipulations with more aggressive attempts and grandiose statements with a preface for the edits stating, “It is currently the most active and representative organization of high-intelligence organizations.” This may well be the President and Executive Director of the United Sigma Intelligence Association speaking in these terms and from this South Korean IP Address: ‘RKLawton’ stated, “Without a valid source, we can’t use this. See wp:rs,” i.e., it’s invalid and unreliable, on January 28 2021 with deletion of the edits by ‘’ ‘Magus314’ on January 29 2021 made further edits including “Since the 1960s, Mensa has experienced increasing competition in attracting high-IQ individuals, as various new groups have emerged with even stricter and more exclusive admissions requirements.” The edits seem to incline towards hinting at the recently deleted edits mentioning a society with a newer status and a range of higher-IQ requirements for admission. Suspiciously, ’Magus314’ was deleted shortly thereafter. Thus, its edits happen one day after the inclusion of the high-praise edits on the Wikipedia page followed by the deletion of said edits for the inclusion by ’Magus314.’]

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash


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